Gizzat Baitursynov

Chairman of the Artificial Intelligence and Innovation Development Committee - Ministry of Digital Development, Innovations and Aerospace Industry, Republic of Kazakhstan

Gizzat Baitursynov is the Chairman of the Committee on Artificial Intelligence and Innovation Development at the Ministry of Digital Development, Innovations, and Aerospace Industry of Kazakhstan. A highly skilled professional with extensive expertise in digital technologies, artificial intelligence, and innovation, Gizzat has spearheaded transformative projects that contribute significantly to Kazakhstan’s digital transformation and global positioning in AI development.

He has been instrumental in developing Kazakhstan’s Concept and Action Plan for Artificial Intelligence Development (2024–2029), which establishes a strategic foundation for long-term progress in this field. Under his leadership, projects such as the National Language Model ‘KazLLM’ have been successfully implemented, supporting the preservation of national identity and promoting AI tailored to Kazakh linguistic and cultural specifics.

Gizzat also coordinated the creation of the National Artificial Intelligence Platform and played a key role in drafting and adopting groundbreaking legislation, including the Law on Artificial Intelligence and the Law on Digital Assets, establishing a modern regulatory framework for sustainable growth and innovation.

His efforts extend to fostering international cooperation, enabling Kazakhstan to integrate into the global digital landscape while advancing national interests. Gizzat’s strategic thinking, strong analytical skills, and project management expertise are complemented by advanced training at institutions such as the Darden School of Business, the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, and the Academy of Public Administration under the President of Kazakhstan.

As part of the EdTech Fellowship, Gizzat aims to explore innovative educational technologies and share his expertise to enhance access to quality education across Kazakhstan.