Mrs. Nargiza Kuchkarova began her professional journey as an English teacher in a rural school. Her passion for education and drive for excellence led her to participate in international projects, where she gained valuable experience as a teacher trainer and materials designer for organisations like the British Council and Open Society Institute. All that practical experience has empowered Nargiza, and she has carried this knowledge into her policy making.
As a Hornby Scholar, Nargiza earned her MA in TESOL Studies from the University of St Mark and St John, further enhancing her expertise in teaching and learning. Over the years, she has initiated and led numerous projects to support English teachers and educators of other subjects, with a strong focus on continuous professional development (CPD) and school leadership.
Currently, Nargiza serves as a lead specialist at the Department of Teacher Training and Professional Development at the Ministry of Preschool and School education ( MPSE) of the Republic of Uzbekistan. She oversees initiatives impacting over 550,000 teachers nationwide. Before this, she was heading the department of teacher training at the Presidential Schools Agency where she was coordinating the recruitment of talented teachers for 170 schools and capacity building of teachers and school principals. Her commitment to innovation and improvement has established her as a change-maker in the field of education, particularly through her leadership in transformative CPD projects. She has been leading the non-government organisation Teachers Association of Uzbekistan and initiated a national teacher prize in 2020.
Mrs Nargiza Kuchkarova believes the Fellowship is an opportunity to gain new knowledge and skills as she plans to focus on EdTech solutions as tools to boost teacher motivation and effective classroom teaching.